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Discover Primary Maths  & Science

Step 1 - Science 2021-2022

We have a sample here of the great ongoing work our pupils are undertaking in Science during the school  year 2021-2022. We regularly add to this page and to our STEM blog so please keep checking back. 

growing veg

Science - Living Things - Growing Vegetables

We planted marrow, spinach, turnip, chives, lettuce and pumpkin seeds on Friday, April 1st.

The weather was too cold to plant them outside so they are in the porch where they will get plenty of sunlight and heat.

As the seeds begin to grow/germinate, they will develop roots to help them develop into plants. Plants make their own food through a process called photosynthesis In photosynthesis, a plant uses the energy from sunlight to change carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil into sugars called glucose.

Science - Living Things - Signs of Spring

Signs of spring can be seen in our classroom and in the tubs outside.

Signs of Sprng
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The Committee for the Commemoration for Irish Famine Victims (CCIFV) have teamed up with Glens Of Antrim Potatoes and Dunnes Stores to make seed potatoes available to all schools in Ireland. Schools throughout Ireland will have an opportunity to sow Lumper potatoes this spring as a way of remembering the victims of the famine of the 1840s.

One of the iconic symbols of the Great Famine in Ireland is the Lumper potato, the very variety upon which so many Irish people depended. Its destruction by blight from 1845 onwards led directly to the outbreak of the Famine.

The potatoes should require very little care, and the process of planting, tending and hopefully eating the crop will be an interesting way to help pupils to commemorate and remember the victims of An Gorta Mór, and those who suffer in famine and hunger today.

Our Lumper seed potatoes are chitting. Chitting is the process of forcing seed potatoes into growth before they are


Lumper Potato Project


Science - Living Things

Planting in Spring

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Growing Sunflowers 

We learned about the life cycle of the sunflower today. We planted sunflower seeds and placed them on the window sill so that they will get sunshine. we made paper sunflowers and stuck them in the soil so that they are nice and colourful while we wait for the real sunflowers to grow!


Tulips are Coming!

We have noticed a big change in our tulip bulbs recently. They are beginning to blossom and they really give a cheery feel to our classroom as the days brighten up.


AK and Rathlee NS.

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