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Lá Domhanda na Leabhar


Rinne rang a 3, 4,5 agus 6 veteran Zoom le Edwina Guckian ar an 7ú Márta.

Edwina is the author of 'Sparks from the Flagstones'.

She mentioned that we might like to visit 'The Schools Folklore Collection' where we will find stories and folklore written by pupils of Rathlee N.S., 90 years ago.

Edwina read extracts from her book about:

1 . The Borrowed Days - Laethanta na Reabhaiche where March borrows the first 3 days of April.

' 'An tSean-Bhó Riabhach' , the old brindled cow boasted that even the rigours of March could not kill her, whereupon March borrowed three days from April and using these with redoubled fury, killed and skinned the poor old cow. Henceforth, the first three days of April traditionally bring very bad weather and are known as as Laethanta na Riabhaiche, The Borrowed Days.

2 . May Day (washing your face and hands in the may morning dew)

3 .May Bush/Tree tradition - Decorating the May Tree to celebrate Bealtaine/1st Day of Summer.

4 . Cures - Licking the lizard (newt) for the cure of the burn. Water from a hollowed stone will make warts fall off.

After Edwina told us all about

House Dances / Dancing for the Craic - we learned to do the Scottish which had 2 parts.

1. Heel toe heel hop 123 x 4 times right, left, right, left. Part 2. The Arches.

Done in groups of 3.

We had great fun trying to learn the dance.

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